Instructions & Procedure
- Online Enquiry for Admissions will be Open from December to February (Enquiry Form to be dully filled in and submitted online/in-person). In-person Admissions are Open from December to May. All Forms for Registration will be available at the school office.
- Admissions are Open from classes I to IX and XI. (Admissions to class XI will only be after the class X Board Results have been announced.) However, for students seeking admission to class XI before the Board Results have been announced, they can dully fill-in the ENQUIRY FORM by clicking on the link above and submit it online.
- For class XI Mark Sheets of class X to be submitted along with the Application forms.
- Application Forms will only be available at the school office and will only be issued after completion of Registration.
- A Registration Fee of Rs.2000/- (cash/Online payment with receipt) will be charged at the time of Admission of the candidate in person. (On receipt of the payment, the Application forms will be issued.)
- Completed Application Forms are to be submitted on or before the last date of Admissions.
- An Entrance Exam for classes I to IX will be conducted on Eng. & Math’s. (Syllabus for the Entrance Exam can be download from this link.)
- For any further enquiries, please contact the school office.
#0423-2443538, +91 8015981788 / 9442541631 / 9159535844